
Autoblocks Launch at IPC Apex Show

Embark on an exploration of the Autoblocks™ universe and unleash your creativity with our diverse range of example solutions. These solutions span various industries, including electronics manufacturing, medical manufacturing, and similar small-scale assembly processes. They provide valuable inspiration and ideas to cater to your unique automation needs, helping you envision the possibilities Autoblocks™ can bring to your specific industry.

Furthermore, these examples act as a practical reference point for budgeting and cost estimation. By gaining insights into the investment required for our solutions, you can make well-informed decisions that align with your financial capabilities. Unlock the potential of Autoblocks™ to revolutionize your business, driving productivity, minimizing errors, and achieving exceptional performance in your industry of choice.

Turn Block & Single Epson Robot Block

This starter system comprises essential components: the turn block, a standard aluminum 24″ table with a tapped hole grid, an Epson T3 Robot Block in your choice of rear, left, or right locations, and excludes tooling or application kits, part tracking, NRE, or enclosure. This system provides the flexibility to be purchased and customized according to specific requirements.

List Price $62,285.00

ASG Basic Screw Driving System

Our basic robotic screw driving machine includes everything you need to add a high quality ASG X-PAQ precision screw fastening system to your production line. Included in our started desktop system: X-PAQ controller with data recording, transducerized electric driver, Epson T3 robot, mount brackets, screw presenter, and AutoBlocks plug & play wiring and pneumatics. Each system is customized to the screw and torque range required.

List Price $75,000.00

ASG Auto Feed Screw Driving System

Our blow feed ASG robotic screw driving machine includes everything you need to add a high speed ASG X-PAQ precision screw fastening system with screw blow feeding to your production line. Included in our starter desktop system: X-PAQ controller with data recording, transducerized electric driver, 2 axis gantry, bowl feeder, cables, and AutoBlocks plug & play wiring and pneumatics. Each system is customized to the screw and torque range required.

List Price $95,000.00

Lights Out 2 Robot System

Build a lights-out machine that is capable of running buffer parts with no operator attendance. Buy this type of system or build up to it from a basic system. Autoblocks grows with your production needs!

List Price $95,000.00

Inductive Soldering Machine

This machine is built using the Turn Block 24 and a rear Induction Block. This simple and productive machine is manually loaded/unloaded with a PCB board and some high mass parts that are soldered together using solder paste. The Turn Block table is fitted with fixtures for highly consistent location while the Induction block has a vertical axis of motion to accurately move the heating coil in and out during indexing. The enclosure protects the operator from burning hazards, allows for fume extraction, and provides part tracking through the machine.

List Price $68,000.00 (Including Induction Power Supply)
